Daimen Hoover Employee Spotlight
We invite you to get to know Robert Palmer & Associates, Jr. Client Manager, Daimen Hoover. Learn what Daimen does on and off the clock, and how he contributes to making our firm great!
What do you like best about working for Robert Palmer & Associates (RPA)? I enjoy working in an environment where no two days are the same. Each day awards new challenges and opportunities for growth. It is rewarding to be to apply the accounting knowledge I acquired throughout my college studies while also gaining real life client accounting services while I pursue my CPA certification.
If you could do another job (for just one day), what would it be? I would enjoy teaching math or accounting. I truly enjoy teaching and considered that career choice before deciding to become an accountant.
What is your ideal vacation destination? I have never really been on a proper vacation so that is yet to be determined. I do however enjoy the mountains and given the opportunity, would love to spend time somewhere where I can hike and take in the scenery.
What is your motto? "Stuff happens. Just got to keep moving."
What are the top three highlights of your life to date?
Any moment I get to play basketball.
Graduating from college and seeing how proud my mom was.
The day I got my puppy, Cookie.
What would you most like to tell yourself at the age of 13? "Keep being you. The hard days are temporary."
People would be surprised to know:
I love dogs and have a dream of owning five or more at a time later in life.